
Wednesday 27 November 2013

Learning Urdu - 1

In Urdu learning there are three types of learning : Reading, Writing, Speaking.
Here we only discuss on how to speak. Urdu speaking is very easy for Indians, as without knowing they speaks Urdu, Almost all the Bollywood songs are in Urdu language. Some of the Hindi-Urdu words examples are:

English                  Hindi                    Urdu
Heart                    Hradya                 Dil
Book                    Pustak                  Kitab
Question               Prashan                Sawal

Etc. likes this we speak most of the Urdu words in our daily life.

Sunday 29 September 2013

Introduction to the alphabet of Urdu

As we know that Urdu is a mix language of various languages. Urdu is written from right to left and read in the same manner. Urdu has the best pronunciations, so saying that Urdu is the most powerful language among all the language is not wrong. Basically Urdu is consists of 37 alphabets.
Capital Vocabulary of Urdu
Read from Right to Left
Let me clear you first that none of the language can be learnt by just reading a book about learning a language, specially Urdu. As Urdu is totally depends on beautiful pronunciations you must have to listen the pronunciation very clearly of each alphabet. If you want to learn a language you have to be familiar with its alphabets. So get a "Urdu Writing Book" from your local market and starts writing Urdu words, remember to write from "Right to Left". If it is not available in your market simply download the above photo and get a printout of it and starts writing above the printout.
Similar to other languages Urdu has two type of alphabets one is capital and another one is small alphabet.
Small Alphabets of Urdu
If you have done practicing with capital letters, you can also try for small letters.

Sunday 8 September 2013

Learn Urdu - Introduction


When we hear the word URDU, it simply comes in our mind that ohhh that sweetest language. Amir Khusrow used to write his poetry in Urdu language. At the time of Amir Khusrow Urdu was not a language, it was just a dialect or tongue and its technique (Shaili) was Braj.
Most of the people has misconception that Urdu is a Muslim or Islamic language as its technique is like Arabic, but Urdu was developed as a language at the time of King Shahjahan. In his army there were people of different languages are present like: Turkey, Farsi, Arabic etc. So a language was required at that time to communicate between the different languages of people. That’s the reason Urdu comes in existence. First it was called “Lashkari language” as it was developed to communicate in between people of Shahjahan’s Lashkar (Army), then named as Hindustani – Hindi and then finally named as Urdu. Wali Deccani of Aurangabad was the first writer of developed Urdu language.
It contains vocabulary of various languages like Hindi and English. It’s technique is similar to Arabic and it is written and read from right to left.

Aabid Husain Nagori
M.A. (Urdu)